An intelligent and adaptive mobility system, your lifelong partner
PalMobi is more than just a mode of transport; it stays by its owner’s side, engaging in conversations through a personal AI named FureAI (from the Japanese word ‘fureai,’ meaning deep connection and interaction) ultimately becoming a lifelong partner.
It morphs into different modes of transportation based on its owner’s mental state, sparks curiosity, and encourages new discoveries.
It can also connect with other PalMobis, allowing owners to interact with and be inspired by other AIs while traveling together.
“Core” form:
approximately 200 mm in diameter—almost identical in size to a human face.
PalMobi’s exterior reflects the owner’s preferences, ranging from inorganic, stylish designs to more inviting, approachable ones. It is capable of moving freely—even floating—and feels as light as a balloon.
“Mobility” form:
PalMobi’s dimensions change depending on the number of occupants (from a single occupant to multiple occupants), as well as the environment and other conditions. It is comparable in size to a current-day car; however, due to the use of lightweight materials and air inflation, it weighs only about 10 kg.
1) Communication functions
- PalMobi is equipped with a personal AI, FureAI, capable of engaging in conversation both orally and via brain-machine interface.
- It sparks curiosity by transforming into different shapes according to the owner’s feelings, as well as the prevailing location, environment, and culture.
- The PalMobi AIs of different owners can interact, allowing owners to discover each other’s interests. Multiple PalMobi can also communicate with each other to create shared-use mobility, leading to inspiring new discoveries and co-creation.
2) Transformation functions
- The core of the product houses PalMobi’s driving mechanism, and an outer skin made of lightweight, inflatable materials that can transform into various mobility shapes. These materials define PalMobi’s fundamental form.
- PalMobi can be customized to create a unique design that harmonizes with diverse environments and cultures. A variety of traceable standard parts and custom 3D-printed parts are available at mini-factories, known as “Stations,” which are located in both urban and suburban areas. These parts and various materials—including natural materials and traditional crafts—can then be fitted to PalMobi using automated assembly robots or by the owners themselves.