Future Products

Future Products

The future of learning

Produced by

Our products support learning in a future society where people can freely deepen their knowledge by connecting ideas that interest them, without being limited by personal factors such as language or economic circumstances.


Campus Go

A holographic Campus notebook of the future that connects learners around the world and enhances learning through discussions.


Campus Go creates a holographic virtual environment that enables learners from around the world to learn together. Available in the form of a mat that can be laid on a desk, or in the form of a notebook, it expands the possibilities of learning, enhances expertise, and hones objectivity by providing advice from multiple standpoints.


Size: width 150 cm x height 20cm x depth 0.5 cm

Weight: 0.2 kg

  • Fixed type (desk-type, floor-type, wall-type, etc.)
  • Movable type (“furoshiki” cloth-type, notebook-type, etc.)
1) 3D holography function

Holographically recreates both data and the users themselves

2) Multilingual (automatic translation function)
3) Maintains a record of learning proficiency

Content of discussions between learners is continuously sent to Personal Tutor Campus and saved as a record of their learning proficiency.

Example use cases
  • Creating an environment for researchers in remote locations to engage in discussions as if face-to-face.
  • Enabling learners to attend lectures remotely as if they are meeting in person.


Life Campus

A publicly accessible tool to assist in decision-making


Life Campus is a public on-the-spot service that provides multifaceted support for making both simple decisions and more important, life-changing decisions. In addition to helping users search for trivial things such as restaurants and holiday destinations, it can also provide advice on human relationships and careers. It shows a range of possibilities, which users can then discuss with Life Campus and seek advice about.


Light concrete: width 100 cm x height 250 cm x depth 100 cm
Weight: 100 kg (similar in dimensions to a phone box)

Heavy concrete: width 200 cm x height 250 cm x depth 100 cm
Weight: 100 kg (similar in dimensions to a multipurpose toilet)

  • Life Campus is operated via a touchscreen inside the cabin, and displays a number of possible choices for any given inquiry
  • If necessary, privacy can be ensured
  • After a decision has been made, Life Campus will indicate the optimal path using color
1) Life Campus will draw on a massive database comprising data from around the world to make its proposals
2) Multilingual
3) Equipped with AI for engaging in dialogue and making proposals
4) Equipped with sensors to collect information about the user
5) Displays different possible choices, and shows the user potential futures for each choice


Personal Tutor Campus

A personal learning concierge


Personal Tutor Campus is a tutor concierge robot that accompanies the owner from the moment of birth, and provides support for every aspect of the owner’s life by offering a different perspective from parents and schoolteachers. The robot understands the owner better than anyone else, and provides the owner with diverse support in line with their unique characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses, and proficiencies. It empowers the owner to live the best life possible.


Size: width 10 cm x height 20 cm x depth 7 cm

Weight: 0.3–1 kg

  • The robot’s eyes also function as a projector
  • Touching the circle on the robot’s body enables personal information and learning information to be recorded
  • Equipped with fingerprint authentication
  • A transparent crayon in the robot’s tail can be used to draw letters and pictures in the air
  • The robot can roll, walk, and fly
  • It comes in six different colors
1) Capable of transforming

The robot can turn into a stuffed toy, a clock, or even become see-through… it transforms freely according to the situation at hand

2) It can accompany the owner without getting separated
3) It can talk (multilingual)
4) It is waterproof, fireproof, dustproof, and impact-resistant
5) It can generate and project images
6) It can connect to household AI

The robot collects information about the owner’s life to ensure it is up-to-date at all times with the owner’s physical and mental condition

7) It looks very cute

Relationship between the user and our three products