Future Products

Future Products

The future of health

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We provide support for everyday mental and physical health, delivering tailored medical care that prevents and fights diseases. We help people freely design their own lives.



A lifestyle-design device that enables users to access the experiences of other people in order to make their own lives better


Nandemonare-ru is a decision-making support system that makes human lives richer. It aims to maintain the physical and mental health of the user, and optimize their cognition and actions so that they can continue to lead more fulfilling lives. Users can relive the experiences of other people—or of other animals and plants—and utilize the learnings and successes of these other people in their own lives, and so improve and expand their cognitive abilities. In this way, Nandemonare-ru encourages users to be bolder when embarking on new challenges in the real world, and helps them move closer to the life they truly wish to lead.


Size: a spherical space measuring 150 cm in diameter

Weight: 3 kg

Although the machine itself has weight, it is equipped with electromagnets that, by repelling the earth’s electromagnetic field, enable it to float; as such, it is not permanently fixed to the ground.

1) Supports decision-making
  • Nandemonare-ru is a decision-making support system that enables users to relive the experiences of other people—famous or otherwise—as well as animals and plants, in a virtual environment; this enables users to hone their own understanding and make better life choices. Users are offered a choice of different experiences that can be relived, and they can then apply what they have learned to make their real lives more successful and more fulfilling.
  • Through conversations with the user, the concierge robot “GranGreg” learns about the user’s lifestyle, hobbies, and preferences, and shares this information with Nandemonare-ru. This enables Nandemonare-ru to offer experiences that better reflect the user’s values, and ultimately deliver greater benefit to the user.
2) Improves and expands cognitive abilities
  • Users can draw on learnings and successes from virtual worlds to improve and expand their cognitive abilities, and be bolder when embarking on new challenges in the real world. Positive thinking and a willingness to try new things raise the user’s physical and mental energy levels, strengthening their immune system. GranGreg constantly monitors the user’s overall condition; based on everyday cognitive and immune functions data, it prompts the user to act in different ways in order to achieve a more fulfilling life.



A nanorobot capable of taking measurements inside the body


IMMUYEL is a nanorobot that optimizes the immune system of the user according to their age and condition. It travels inside the user’s body, continuously monitoring and collecting data on the user’s health, while simultaneously strengthening the user’s immune functions. The nanorobot connects to smart mirrors and concierge robots so that the collected data can be fed back to the user, thereby helping them strengthen their immune system and maintain their physical and mental health.


There are two versions of IMMUYEL:

  • The first is designed for child users, and is inhaled nasally; the child is placed in a pleasant-smelling room, and the nanorobot is naturally inhaled into the body.
  • The second is designed for adult users, and is absorbed transdermally; the adult applies a sticker akin to a band-aid on their skin, and absorbs the nanorobot through the skin. The sticker resembles an accessory. The effective time period of the nanorobot automatically appears on the sticker to ensure that it can be replaced when its efficacy wears off.
1) Strengthens the immune system
  • There are two versions of IMMUYELL. The first strengthens immune functions in infants and school-age children, whose immune systems have yet to fully develop. This version of the nanorobot is inhaled through the nose; simply by spending a day in a pleasant-smelling room, the child’s immune system is strengthened so that they can reach adulthood in good health.
  • The second version is an integrated monitoring system that travels around the body monitoring the user’s immune functions. Since human immune systems weaken with age, this version of the nanorobot works to strengthen immune functions where necessary; it also carries out in-body cleaning of senescent cells, cancerous cells, unnecessary waste, and products that cause biological abnormalities. These nanorobots are absorbed through the skin and must be replenished once every one to two months. Once inside the body, they can change shape at will and travel freely through any tissue.
2) An integrated monitoring system that checks immune functions and cleans inside the body
  • IMMUYELL is fitted with sensors that collect data on the physical condition of the user, and sends this data to the external concierge robot, GranGreg, to carry out real-time monitoring of the user’s body. The nanorobot travels inside the user’s bloodstream and, since it is capable of freely changing shape, it can even access diseased areas of the body.
  • Markers of the user’s health are not displayed numerically. Instead, a smart mirror receives data from IMMUYELL, and creates a liquefied view of the user’s body inside a natural landscape; elements of the landscape change according to the user’s health, while any issues affecting the user’s body are also reflected visually.
  • Feedback from the GranGreg diagnostic center helps minimize fluctuations in the user’s health, and ensures the user’s immune system remains in optimal condition. The nanorobots are also capable of releasing substances that help maintain or improve the user’s immune functions as necessary.
  • Users can visually observe IMMUYELL moving inside their bodies through smart mirrors fitted with monitoring functions, and via GranGreg.



A concierge robot that helps users remain healthy


GranGreg is a robot that receives data from IMMUYELL and Nandemonare-ru, and uses this data to automatically record and analyze changes in the user’s behavior or physical condition. The robot is always by the user’s side, monitoring them continually, and helping to maintain their health and improve their everyday habits. GranGreg also provides feedback and advice so that users can remain in good physical and mental condition, and maintain their cognitive functions. It is both a life partner and a home doctor.

  • GranGreg is big enough that users can sit in its lap comfortably. The robot is not something that can be carried around, and is designed to maintain an established in the home.
  • When users are out of the house, they can use various devices to share their thoughts with the robot through voice, text, and images.
  • GranGreg can be charged through the soles of its feet.
  • The light on its chest indicates both the state of its battery, and the state of the user’s health.
  • GranGreg enters energy-saving mode when it is used as a sofa.
1) Feedback on the user’s physical and mental condition
  • GranGreg provides direct and daily feedback on the health of the user, including how much exercise and sleep is necessary, and what precautions they should take when leaving the house.
  • Based on experiential data shared by Nandemonare-ru, GranGreg suggests new challenges for the user that have a direct connection to their actual learnings and successes. The robot continually monitors physical changes that take place after the challenges have begun, and helps the user make adjustments so that they can enjoy a more fulfilling everyday life.
  • GranGreg shares data on the user’s experiences, interests, and preferences with Nandemonare-ru, enabling Nandemonare-ru to suggest simulations that help the user live a better life.
2) Home doctor
  • GranGreg provides direct and daily feedback on the health of the user, including how much exercise and sleep is necessary, and what precautions they should take when leaving the house.
  • The robot also analyzes data that IMMUYELL has collected from inside the user’s body; when the user requires a medical consultation, GranGreg makes hospital appointments and provides explanations to medical personnel regarding any changes that have taken place inside the user’s body. In this way, GranGreg assumes the role of a personalized home doctor.

Overview of our products and services