Future Products

Future Products

The future of healthcare

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The healthcare we deliver will fulfill both mind and body and be optimized for each individual in their daily lives, seamlessly connecting minds, bodies, and society.


KaraKoro Speak

Your body and mind are now beginning to speak.


In our diverse and complex future, KaraKoro Speak enables a new form of communication unrestricted by the physical body. Through a holographic avatar projected from a microchip attached to the body, users can seamlessly express their mind to others and deepen their self-reflection.


Chip size: approx. 3 mm x 3 mm x 1 mm
Contact lens-type device

Avatar size: variable—large enough that it can be seen, but small enough not to interfere with the surroundings

In certain situations—when the owner is lost, for example, or during live performances—the avatar can become extremely large

1) Measurement and analysis

KaraKoro Speak uses brain-machine interfaces and in vivo measurement technologies to monitor brain activity and bodily biomarkers, enabling it to gauge the user’s or patient’s condition. It also collects activity logs and data, analyzing user’s thoughts and “the mind”.

2) Communication

The microchip aids smooth communication at medical and care facilities, including for patients with speech impediments. It also facilitates communication with infants and pets.

3) Guidance
  • The microchip aids communication in offices and plants, provides work instructions, performs safety checks, and offers other useful information; by encouraging efficiency in the workplace, it contributes to increased productivity.
  • In the entertainment industry, the chip communicates scripts and instructions to cast and staff at movie and television shooting locations; at theme parks and other event locations, the chip is capable of acting as a guide or mascot character, and interacting with visitors.
4) Conversation with the user

The avatar can serve as a conversation partner or counsellor, helping to ease worries, organize thoughts, and soothe the user’s mind.


Another Story

A dome-shaped device that uses dreams to support health of mind


Another Story is a dome-shaped device in which users sleep and experience diverse situations in their dreams, as if watching a movie. It enables users to gain experience, broaden their mind horizons and, by helping them in their decision-making and behavior, support them in living the best life possible. By adding to the user’s mind experiences, Another Story expands their understanding, assuages their fears, worries, and anger, and encourages them to lead a better life. It is not a tool for increasing knowledge, but for increasing experience.


Size: width 1,000 mm x depth 2,500 mm x height 1,500 mm

Weight: 3 kg

  • A transparent dome made with soft sol materials capable of taking shape immediately in any location. The dome is strong and impact-absorbing, and its airiness means it is suitable for use by people with claustrophobia.
1) Comfort
  • The dome provides an optimal temperature and humidity-controlled environment in which users can fall asleep and dream
  • The dome can be set up and used outside the home, outside of the user’s regular sleeping hours and location
2) Lifelike experiences while dreaming
  • Users choose what they wish to experience; while sleeping, the user is able to undergo a lifelike, multi-sensual experience, as if actually present.
3) Increased confidence in decision-making in the following scenarios:

By broadening one’s mind horizons through dreams—a new mode of experience—users can effectively increase confidence when making decisions about different choices and actions.

Examples include: thinking about how to spend one’s leisure time in a future job, or after retirement; wishing to reframe a negative experience in a more positive light.

4) Random regeneration
  • Failures and stories with unhappy endings can be randomly regenerated to train the user’s mind strength
5) Safety
  • Another Story monitors the user’s mind and physical states, and sets permissible values according to the user’s character and condition. The device stimulates the user through diverse dreams, and measures the user’s normal value ranges; it continuously monitors the user’s levels of adrenaline, cortisol, and other hormones, and automatically constrains or stops the dream experience if measurements indicate the user is immersed too deeply into the dream, or there is a risk to the user’s mental wellbeing.


Vision Diary

Simulating life choices


Vision Diary measures the mind and physical attributes of the user and their family, then simulates their bodies, minds, and lifestyles. Experiencing concrete simulations can lessen worries about the future, while novel simulations can broaden life choices; in this way, the device encourages the user and their family to make appropriate life choices. Vision Diary are optimized for different family structures and lifestyles, and enables families to share a common future.

  • Vision Diary can be easily used in the home—in your own rooms, bedrooms, and bathrooms—and projects simulation images and movies to tablets and holograms
  • These simulations can be viewed by the entire family together
Usage instructions:
  1. 1) Vision Diary automatically takes physical and mind-related measurements of the user; using voice commands, select the major life event (going to university, having a baby, etc.) to be simulated, and enter your priorities and desires
  2. 2) Select between an individual (user-only) or group (family) simulation
  3. 3) Select between various different modes: examples include a mode that accurately analyzes the user’s state of health, etc., and connects to an expert; a mode that makes unthinkable suggestions; and a mode that places stress on and thereby trains the body and mind
  4. 4) AI carries out integrated analysis of the above
  5. 5) Vision Diary outputs multiple simulations, persons and organizations that can provide advice, and reference materials. The simulations comprise short movies of the near future, and photos of the distant future. A record of these simulations is saved.
  1. 1) Vision Diary eliminates unnecessary worries and, through the provision of unthinkable suggestions, broadens life choices
  2. 2) In scenarios that are likely to lead to unwanted results, the user can think about how to avoid these results and make the appropriate preparations
  3. 3) By retrieving saved simulations, the user and their family can look back on past ideas and decisions, derive satisfaction and responsibility for their choices, and thereby strengthen family bonds

Understand, train, and expand minds— overview of products and services